Wednesday, December 19, 2012

SSRS report with click-through detail hosted in PerformancePoint Services

Here's a situation:
You have a Reporting Services report (SQL 2008 or higher) hosted in SharePoint PerformancePoint Services (SHPT 2010 or higher). You are interested in adding a click path to that report which will open a detail report in a new window. How do you do it?

Well, the short answer is, you don't.  Not in PPS, at least.  This can be done in standalone reports but, per Microsoft, this behavior is not supported in PPS.  The referenced URL will NOT open in a new window through SharePoint/PerformancePoint Services.   So.  That's awesome.  Not. 

How did I arrive at this conclusion?

I was working on getting a detail report to open from a PerformancePoint-hosted SSRS Map report.  I wanted the states in my US map to have a clickable action that would open up another SSRS report.  I was initially able to get the report and click-through action to work by using a simple Go To Report action.  But the detail report opened by the Go To Report action comes up in the same browser window -- which could cause some navigational confusion for users.

So I wanted to see if I could force the detail report to open in a new Window - which I could.  Instead of "Go to Report", I used the "Go To URL" action instead.  The technique for this is all over the intarwebz, but I found these two articles to be the most directly useful:
Before you even look at those posts, here are the basic moves:
  • You'll need to assemble a good, working URL for your report -- either in Report Manager or in SharePoint (if you're running in Integrated Mode).  I found this to be the trickiest part.  Hint: you want to open the Report using a ReportViewer.aspx.
  • You'll then need to include that URL in the dataset in your main report.  In my case, I also needed to pass a parameter (hence the second link above).
  • Then you need to set up the Go To URL action using that assembled URL.  Despite what the links say, I cut out the javascript "" script code -- providing the URL alone did what I needed.

So, delightful.  I had my detail report opening in a new window in the Designer and via Report Manager.  But, as soon as I deployed my newly tricked out reports and tried them in PPS, there was fail.   So I scouted around for a long time and found this:

Scroll to the last comment to see my sad discovery.

Is there a workaround?  Yes, but it's lame.   Users can use the right-click menu when clicking on the map report, and select "Open in New Window" or "Open in New Tab" to achieve the same results.  But expecting users to navigate like that is a poor substitute for something that, you know, just works.

So the bottom line is that PPS does not give you 100% "pass-thru" SSRS behavior when using a Reporting Services report type in a dashboard. 

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